[ gaydar beach ] gaydar what you want when you want it



Every Individual doesn't realise what he or she has until its lost and out of their grasp and gay men and lesbians are no exception. Men, boys, women or girls, whatever age live for only certain things, football, drunk, having their hair done or most important of all SEX.

Gaydar beach, an area of Scotland’s capital Edinburgh, attracts many characters just like that daily. Home to the capitals gay world Gaydar Beach has its fair share of daily dramas and controversies.

Gaydar Beach focuses on the lives of some twenty something’s bi20m, cutefitnishy, roberino, .vk., vartras (Fruitcake), ravi, ming_ho, nickleboy, fighter80, stuartbmc, salientmustang, dtox82, and flared.

Imagine Jude Law’s character in CLOSER when he can’t decide exactly what he wants and whether he feels trapped in a relationship and you be able to relate with bi20m. Both are very similar in their ways of approaching life. Feeling trapped yet feeling lonely. Talking of CLOSER remember Natalie Portman’s character Alice willing to do anything to keep the love of her life happy and be used and treated like sh*t along the way well cutefitnishy is just as stupid as Alice in forgetting his needs to keep the one he loves happy.

Now every young person has a fairy godmother waving her wand to make the world a nicer place and in the gay world they tend to be either your resident fag hag who happens to be fighter80, a confused bi-curious female who is busy waving her wand playing the fairy godmother or when she’s bored of doing good she is busy playing the part of Cilla Black, although her matchmaking skills really are not good enough to get her a Saturday evening slot of ITV to host Blind Date.

Then you have your male version of a fairy godmother, I guess you could fall him a fairy godfather but being a poof I think sticking to fairy godmother tag would be more appropriate. .vk. is your perfect male version of a fairy godmother. Never stops waving his things, Oops, I mean his wand and always trying to keep all happy and cheery and even playing the role of mummy every now and then. I guess it must have been the sheep shagging he did as a child being born and bred in the sheep shagging country of Wales when Walsall moved from West Midlands and became the new city in the Central Welsh Belt.

Then there’s roberino, The cute sweet Irish mad boy. I'm sure they all must swim in a pool of Guinness from the age of 6 months old over across the Irish Sea in limerick as they are mad. His best mate flared is a pure example of madness and yet a comedian in the making. No flared is not some great conqueror like Alexander the Great or a King like Henry the VIII although I guess you could refer to him as royalty as he’s just as great a queen as Victoria was. Getting back to roberino, now he’s plays the innocent card to often yet he’s just as sluty as the rest of them yet he will never reach the levels of slutyness that both our Falkirk Whore ming_ho has reached by seducing the Capital’s horned up men and the Polwarth slaper nickleboy feeling them up whilst they lie innocently in bed next to him. Really shocking behaviour.

Then you have your other tarts like stuartbmc, dtox82 and salientmustang who don’t show it as much but if you know them well you know they can be just as sluty and tartly as those they hang around. Friendly and a good laugh they help the evening pass by without boredom and entertain you to the full. stuartbmc a recently turned 18 year old somehow managed to sneak into all the clubs at the age of 17 yet the guy he went with who was over 20 still needed ID. Its not as if Stuart looks older he looks like a young teenager you'd be forgiven for even thinking he's still a school because he still looks very young. salientmustang, the American hottie studying at Edinburgh university as a Postgraduate Student seems to attract all the talent in the city without having to even try and dtox82 well his baby looks just seem to make some guys mouth water, Mahwah.

You also have your traveling tarts who arrive into cities and seduce flatmate's of a fairy godmother. Really quite shocking behaviour. So what if the guy is really cute and the other one is obviously bi curious and enjoys taking naked photos of himself showering. That ravi really really should know better and behave. You could refer to him as the Leanne Battersby of Gaydar Beach. Raunchy tart.

And last but not least you have your mad lunatics vartras the Portuguese mad case. Apparently he thinks he’s heterosexual yet spends his time daily cruising gay chat rooms and hanging out weekly in gay bars and clubs with the rest of these mad people. Oh well like would be boring if we didn't have at least one guy who was in denial. Anyway, enough of my waffling and lets get on with the plot and meet these disturbed individuals.

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